Would it be Ni(3) ke(2)yi(1) gei(2) wo(3)? Where do you put the "shi" for it? Or similarly if you want to say "Can you give me the [noun]?" Where does the noun go in terms of word order in Chinese grammar? Thanks:
Asked by Robert -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
One of my family members wants to get a tattoo of the phrase "Trust No Man."
in Chinese language.
We've of course been looking online, but it seems each translator is different.
Asked by Dion -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Asked by Ernest -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Pimsleur very often just ignores the tone of a word when it’s at the end of a sentence-- WHY?
For example "Liu jia liu shi duo shao?" -- Instead of giving shao the 3rd tone, it gives it a neutral tone similar to "ma" Why is this? By the way, do you have any good suggestions on how to learn Chinese pinyin?
Asked by Hetherington -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I’m after speech recognition software to learn Chinese, so it can pick up on my tones. I found Tell me more Chinese 1-2-3 but it's a couple of hundred bucks. Any other out there with speech recognition software to learn Chinese?
Asked by Amos -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I saw it in a HSK sample test. Can anyone tell me what it means? Do you think HSK is very difficult?
Asked by Mery -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
when asking someone in mandarin if they want to go somewhere?
Asked by Howard -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
"do you like watching TV or movies?"
"After history class, we have math class."
"How many bats (as in rackets) did you bring?” Thank you!
Asked by Mabel -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Asked by Gavin -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
"The Panda Parade" is the title of my restaurant on a game that I play, and I was wondering how I could translate it in Mandain Chinese.
Asked by Olga -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
What does 太超過了 mean? I heard its slang. Can someone give an example of how to use it?
Asked by Kavin -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I have to call this person. Our computer lists names by last name first and it says his/her name is "Liu, Hao-Chen", but I think Hao-Chen is the last (family) name.
Our computer is often wrong because it is only as good as the mail clerks putting in the name. He/she signed the name "Hao-Chen Liu".
So is Hao-Chen the last name? Is it Mr. or Ms.?
Asked by Penny -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Asked by Becky -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Do the Chinese (Mandarin) have a word or phrase that means 'hooray!' - When they would cheer something good happening? Please answer in pinyin alphabet - a pronunciation guide would also be very useful - thanks!
Additional Details
Whoops! I mis-typed pinyin! Sorry!
Letters in pinyin aren't always pronounced like the English letters.
'He ping' isn't pronounced 'hee ping' to rhyme with English 'sing' - it sounds more like 'her pang.'
Asked by sim -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I mean in Mainland China?
Asked by mike -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Asked by Nguyen Anh Hieu -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I'm taking Chinese lessons from a lady who was born in raised in Taiwan for 39 years. She's only been in America for 11 years. She told me that "I speak little Chinese" in Mandarin is "hui yidian zhongwen". I looked it up on Yahoo answers and I got "wo hui shuo yidian zhong guo hua".. so..PLEASE CLEAR THIS UP FOR ME?
Asked by kiki -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Hi, I was wondering how long an English speaker will be fluent in mandarin Chinese and what steps should I take to become fluent.
Asked by Vernon -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Asked by Tony -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Cause I was listening to the Jackie Chan version of ILL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU. And he sings great but on two of the videos it said Cantonese version and the other one said mandarin version. So I am guessing they are the same??? but just wan to make sure
Asked by James -
General Chinese - 3 Answers