I don't know how to learn Chinese characters. Who can help me?
Asked by Seumas -
Chinese for Teens - 7 Answers
I know "wo ai ni" means "i love you", but i'm trying to find a variation of it.
Asked by Tom -
Chinese for Teens - 7 Answers
Hiiiiiii everyone!
I've wanted to learn Chinese fluently for a long time now, and this year my school offered Rosetta Stone as a class. So, I started the Mandarin Chinese course.
If any of you know what Rosetta Stone is like you know it's not a very effective way to learn Chinese, unless you live with someone who can help you.
So I have a few grammar questions.
For example:
zhe ge nan ren zai chi fan.
I think this means: A man eating rice, or maybe The man eats rice? I'm not sure! please verify.
Another example:
yi ge ping guo.
Could this mean: An Apple?
I have many problems with this kind of thing in Chinese! /:
hmmmm. Well sorry for the length of this question, and the lack of tone marks over the pinyin. Help would be appreciated. (;
Additional Details
Thank you! ((:
Asked by Alice -
General Chinese - 8 Answers
Do You teach how to read and write Chinese characters?
Is conversation included for beginners, intermediate and advanced?
How much do you charge for the course?
Asked by kouise hettiger -
General Chinese - 10 Answers
1. 把:上星期五我对妈妈说:妈妈,你和我知道因为我们住南方,所以我们常常看雨。在春天和秋天常常下雨。我的男朋友对我说他知道明天下雨。 你想我的男朋友和我可能去电影院吗?妈妈对我说:因为我知道你的中文考试很不好,所以我不要你去电影院。你把中文书看了。
2. 所有的:在高中,弟弟和我学中文。昨天,李老师对我们说她要我们看所有的中文书。我们不要看所有的中文书,不过我们知道要是我们要学中文,我们就看所有的书。
3. 忘了:上星期五,李老师对我们说:要是我们要学中文,我们就写我们的中文句子。我喜欢写我的句子,不过作天我忘了写我的句子。在中文课我不得不写我的句子。
4. 收到:昨天我对李老师说:李老师我忘了写我的句子,不过我要给你我的句子。你想明天见我可能给我的句子吗?李老师对我说:好好。
(nextday) 李老师对我说:李美,我收到你的句子。
5. 提:上星期二在李老师的中文课我有问题。我对李老师说:李老师我有一个问题。她对我说:因为你提问,所以我喜欢你。
Asked by victoria -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I noticed that in Chinese, "if" clauses always start with "如果", but sometimes also end with "的話". Is "的話" optional? How do you know when to use it?
Asked by Jason -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I have to do typing for Chinese and I left my textbook at school so I need help. What is a sentence that has 在家 in it?
Asked by Beverly -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I speak French and English fluently. (French is my native language). I'm thinking about learning a third language and my choices are: Mandarin or Arabic. Since I plan on getting involved in public/international affairs, both would be very useful. Any suggestions? Have you learned either of those languages? Did you take classes? (I want to be able to speak either one of those and write as well)
Asked by Demon -
General Chinese - 5 Answers
I want a chinese book from you.
I really love to speak chainese.
Asked by Josephine Mendy -
General Chinese - 5 Answers
Can anyone answer me in Chinese?
Asked by sky -
Chinese Test - 14 Answers
please don't make the sentences too hard :)
1. 經驗
2. 胡說
3. 儘管
4. 世界
5. 反复
6. 文明
7. 故鄉
8. 搬運
9. 發生
10. 思想
Please make them REALLY simple because i need to memorize them, haha thanks.
Sorry I wouldn't usually let other people make sentences for me, but it's mastery test and it has to be grammatically correct.
Asked by Edgar -
General Chinese - 14 Answers
他是一个嘻哈音乐家和作曲家。他制作的音乐和音乐会演出。他是鼓舞人心的,他是周到。 此外,他是最好的嘻哈音乐在韩国的生产商之一 。因此,我尊重和喜欢他。
This is for my mandarin project, and I'm not sure if it's grammatically right. Can anyone check the grammar?
Asked by Haebin Pan -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I plan to take HSK in the future but now my level is too low to take a HSK exam. What can I do?
Asked by jenny -
Chinese Test - 7 Answers
I am preparing for the AP Chinese test, any good suggestions on AP Test preparation?
I am looking for a proverb in Chinese that is to the equivalent in English as 'don't grow up too fast'? Can anyone help?
Asked by Dale -
Chinese Test - 6 Answers
By art i mean anything made built ect. like paintings, sculptures, architectural stuff, etc. Besides, I want to take business Mandarin courses, any good suggestions?
Asked by Steven -
Business Chinese - 6 Answers
Also I want to understand Chinese conversation. Can you give some good suggestions?
Describe 2 and their significance. Thanks!
Asked by Richard -
Chinese Culture - 6 Answers
So I was born in the US and raised there all my life, which is the reason why I have difficulty reading and writing Chinese. Sometimes I feel ashamed of not knowing how to read or write in Chinese, so I will have to work hard to learn my native language.
Although I lack writing and reading skills, I am grateful that my parents spoke to me in Chinese (Cantonese) all my life, allowing me to retain my ability to comprehend and speak with fluency.
Any advices?
Asked by Keat -
General Chinese - 8 Answers
Asked by Sunny -
General Chinese - 22 Answers
Asked by Nicole -
General Chinese - 30 Answers
I'm getting:
Wo de mingzi shi
and Wo Jiao.
Which one do I use?
Asked by Denise -
General Chinese - 33 Answers