Just out of interest - people say it comes much more quickly if you are staying in the country the language is spoken in.
Asked by Hilda -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Although I often try to obey the "official" stroke orders, there are some Chinese characters in which I find it better and easier to write if I write them in my own orders instead of following the prescribed stroke orders. Am I making a mockery out of the Chinese language and culture by innovating my own stroke orders? Is following the correct order indispensable or just helpful?
Asked by Tobey -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I'm thinking of learning Chinese but I want to know what career(s) I could get as knowing Chinese and English, including jobs other than teaching. I would also like to become a pilot when I can afford the training. Would know Chinese help an aviation career?
Asked by Nikita -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Does 欣 stand alone or not?
Thanks in advance.
Asked by Bren -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
:) I’m thinking of getting a tattoo saying one of those things
thank you
Asked by Dora -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Gavin -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I'm 16, and I really want to take Chinese. I don't have it at my school, but I was thinking of taking it outside of school. How much are Chinese classes usually, and is it really hard to learn?
Asked by Rock -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I plan to learn at least nine languages in my hopefully long lifetime. Would it be reasonable to devote 10 years into studying each language? Since I really don't think I could I spend just a few years on each and hope to become extremely fluent.
Well here is my list on what I plan to learn
Mandarin Chinese
Asked by Josh -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I want a tattoo of one of these, but i can’t find any of them.
Asked by Jeffery -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Kim Dalrymple -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
I've been learning Chinese, and I have learned two different words, that I believe mean roughly the same thing. In what situations do you use 可以? And what times do you use 能? Or are they interchangeable?
Asked by Greta -
Chinese Test - 4 Answers
In American English, children like to speak to one another in a special language called "Pig Latin" that so that adults would not know what they are saying. You simply take ordinary English words, move the first consonant cluster to the back, and add "ay". If there is no consonant, just add "way" or "hay".
For example, "Look at that person drinking beer" in Pig Latin is "Ook-lay at-way at-thay erson-pay inking-dray eer-bay".
Is there a popular obfuscation system for Chinese?
Asked by Rodney -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Our newly adopted 6yo Chinese daughter uses this phrase.
Asked by T John -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Wesley -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Ariel -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Gerry Nolan -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Gerry Nolan -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Someone please tell me, or give me a link of how it looks.
Please & Thank you
Asked by Lori -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
My Chinese friend keeps saying something that sounds like "Ni juo sa ma"
I know it's probably a question, but can a fluent Mandarin speaker or someone fair in Mandarin tell me what the phrase actually is and what it means in English? Thank you~!
Asked by Bruce -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
1. I studied Chinese for two years in High School.
2. My parents go to China every year.
3. I am going to Sydney tomorrow because a friend has died.
4. What line of business are your parents in?
5. I enjoy playing the piano but I have not time to practice.
6. My job keeps me very busy and I don't have time to study Chinese.
7. I went to Malaysia when I was nine years old.
8. I have no time to find a partner.
9. My father returned to England when he was 60 years old.
10. Are Chinese characters difficult to remember?
Asked by Carina -
Chinese Test - 4 Answers