Please, please help me. How do i pronounce it? :
Asked by esabella -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Still learning Chinese. Are these right?
身心灵 - body mind soul
遂心所愿 - to follow what the heart desires
Asked by Cathy -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Just how do I improve in general (writing, listening and speaking). I learn it at school, but I'm the only native English speaker in my class.
So how do I improve my listening, writing and speaking? My reading is fine. I'm 16 (:
Asked by Clara -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
i had chinese homework to create a dialogue using our most recent vocabulary words, and part of my dialogue was:
李有: 为什么你请我?
王朋: 因为明天你请我。
and she wrote "Finish your sentences" next to both of them. i don't understand, they are already finished?
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no, i'm trying to say
Why are you treating me?
Because yesterday, you treated me.
i think i forgot to say zuotian (昨天) but still
Asked by Eleanore -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Asked by Bchan -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Asked by simon -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
I am not sure which course i should take because I am interested in both courses. Which course is better? What are their pros and cons for both courses?
Asked by babbie -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
What does huijia mean? It is a Chinese philosophy but what is it?
Asked by Bridget -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Doing a Chinese project. Thanks! :)
Asked by Miya -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Asked by Daneel -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
I am going to be taking begining mandarin in the winter and I personally have a difficult time with forgein languages. I am determained to do this, I have a tutor lined up to help me outside of class as well. My over a goal is to study abroad in China in a year or two. Any tips , techniques, excersizes, etc. to aid me in learning this very different language would be much appreciated!
Asked by Dominic -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
I am currently learning how to speak Mandarin...and I was just wondering how long it took non-Chinese people to learn...and i am fully aware that people learn at different rates than others...
Asked by Hulda -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
'wo shi ni de zui hao de peng you!'
What does that mean?
-thank you a mighty much. ;)
Asked by cherry -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Asked by Maye -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
dàjiā zǎoshanɡ hǎo= Chinese
dà jiā zǎo shanɡ hǎo=Mandarin
Am I correct in the way this is said in Mandarin
Asked by Howard -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Asked by Salih1946 -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Is it hard to learn Mandarin and will I be able to learn it? I am half Chinese and half White. I am 13 years old and I am taking Mandarin as my language in High School. Lastly, I might be going to Tiawan when I am 16 to learn Mandarin. Will I be able to learn the language and be fluent in it? Because, I heard that it is the hardest language to learn.
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Also what classes should I take and what programs?
Asked by Elle -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
I am looking for a Chinese proverb / idiom that means the same as "Actions speak louder than words." Anyone have the Mandarin characters? Any help would be appreciated...
Asked by Shirley -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
Is 'wo zhen de ai ni' correct?; I thought it was just 'wo zhen ai ni' but that isn't right, is it? Are they both hideously wrong? Please tell me if they are! Thank you so, so, so much ahead of time. <3333 I'm sorry about my horrible Mandarin Chinese. ;.;
If they're both wrong, how do you say 'I really love you'? Please help me! *0* <3333
Asked by Anne -
General Chinese - 1 Answers
I'd like to learn Chinese I recently started studying after debating. An I'd like someone to practice with often. Experience the culture ect. My name is Darius. You can add me on facebook. My facebook name is "darius garnetto" please search me send me an message an add me. I can offer to help you with English and Spanish. I hope to hear from you. We can exchange numbers ect. Male or female welcome. My email is
Asked by darius -
General Chinese - 1 Answers