thats for ma duty at school tbvh
Asked by Dinar Tyas Grandis -
Chinese for Teens - 2 Answers
I attend high school and I want to learn Chinese. I have already fufilled my language RequirementS this is it I really want to learn. There a discount for me ?
Asked by Phillip Griebenow -
General Chinese - 2 Answers
Asked by Acton -
General Chinese - 2 Answers
1)看 。事有 好你 像 心多 上去很
2) 说 朋 他 扭 她男闹。 了 别友她和
3)格十 分爱 很笑 朗张, 。莎性开
4)。 样 友一趣太 兴上女他 他和 不在朋
5) 电 家 看非,可他 去 要 影 可。我 是不回
6) 到 道么来去,知底为 什 想想 他气不 。生我
7) 是说!不 我不本 你根 是爱 你!
8) 们。 你情难吵? 架了 好 你心 怪吗不
9)一四 会常 了明常会,。日到找一的手分一, 儿想会三儿
忘钱儿, 生落天带我丢钥我忘不又匙。了
10)说了明吗。? 欢记你听仇喜很天
Asked by kenidi johnson -
General Chinese - 2 Answers
I am about to finish learning Japanese and want to learn one more East Asian language before the Olympics in 2012.
Asked by George -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
My Chinese teacher wants me to email her in Chinese (pin yin) and find an app for word or another thing that i can write in Chinese with. FREE???
Asked by Kryss -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
Mandarin or Cantonese? I've heard that Cantonese is more often used than Mandarin in countries in Europe (i.e. supermarkets, shops,..)
I know that Mandarin is more "important" but I want to be able to put my Chinese to use. I don't really travel to mainland China nor to Hong Kong. I just want to speak with people here and maybe in USA as well.
Asked by Rubber -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I know Mandarin and Cantonese are both dialects of Chinese but do they use different characters and is the sound very different from each other?
Asked by Emily -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
But, I don't know which self study book is the best to help me learn beginner Mandarin language or which is really suitable for a learner like me.
Asked by Rebecca -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I'm kind of confused about these terms. So please help me understand them well enough.
What is Mandarin/Mandarin Chinese or Chinese Mandarin? (Are they any different at all?)
Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese
Han Chinese
Hanyu(or is it Han Yu?)
that's all. I just need some simple explanations for each. Thanks so much in advance.
Asked by Freda -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I know basic things such as greetings, food, a few actions...things like that. But I'm wondering about how to speak Chinese well. I'd like any help about how to speak Chinese fluently.
Asked by going -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
greeting respected officers!
Asked by David -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
i do not understand what this phrase mean. please translate?
Asked by Robert -
General Chinese - 3 Answers
I want to say this kind of expressions in Chinese
- He was THAT sad THAT he started to cry
- There were some things WHICH make him feel unhappy
- The tool THAT he used was the one WITH WHICH he fixed the computer.
- Show me WHAT I am looking for to know WHAT to do
As the last point I want to know how to express conclusive ideas in Chinese, I mean this as below:
John: I do not know how to say her that somebody stole her car
Maria: You have to say it to her (the expression /say it/ would replace -- say her to somebody stole her car --)
Jonh: But I do not like to do it(the word / it / would replace -- to say her to somebody stole her car --)
Charles: Jonh you have to (the expression /have to/ would replace -- to say her to somebody stole her car --)
Asked by Luis -
General Chinese - 3 Answers

I'm keep reading about the different forms/dialects of Chinese that is spoken in China. I was thinking on taking up Mandarin Chinese, but I'm not sure if I will be able to communicate with people from all over the country, since I love to travel all through out the area. Can someone give me some advice, tips, directions, and help with this problem? Also, could you also give me links to where I can buy Chinese learning material or links to different torrents which can be of some help?
If this is of any help, I am also fluent in German, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, and French, next to my native tongue of English. Even though I grew up with German being spoken around me.
I would also like to add that I would like to learn to read the language too, since I'm big into World Studies and History.
Asked by Maximilian -
General Chinese - 4 Answers

I asked my family what is the difference between Chinese and Mandarin. My sister said that Mandarin is the language, and Chinese is nationality, and my other sister said that Mandarin and Chinese are languages.
Asked by Michael -
Chinese Culture - 4 Answers
I'm interested in spending summer break in Beijing, China in order to learn teens Chinese. Does anyone know a good program that teaches reading, writing, and speaking?
Asked by Penny -
Chinese for Teens - 4 Answers
Thought it would be good to learn some Chinese.
Asked by Eudora -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
Asked by Jhea -
General Chinese - 4 Answers

this is for my own personal education im curious as to how close i am to translating this correctly anyone out there who has the time to translate this it is much appreciated. Alright here it is:
I went to Seattle for my holiday because I have family and friends that live there as well as a house. I lived in Seattle before I moved to Bei Jing this is why I frequently visit. I stayed in Seattle for three weeks at my old house. During this time I saw many old friends, snowboarded and family members from australia came and visited. My grandmother and grandfather on my mother side came from sydney to share christmas with us. An aunt and uncle also stayed for a few weeks in our house with us. My eldest sister came with her boyfriend on christmas. Both of them already live America. There are mountains to snowboard on within 30 minutes of my house. My favorite part of my holiday was seeing my old friends. Many of them can drive which made it easy to see a lot of them. Christmas and New Years were also fun with my family.
Asked by Nick Ball -
General Chinese - 4 Answers
